Monday, July 5, 2010

Yes, this is actually how I spent my afternoon.

My friend Ken occasionally posts a “word of the day” on Facebook, and being a closet logophile I always enjoy it.  Sometimes I’m familiar with the words, but my favorites are the strange ones that are about as likely to come up in every day conversation as the Cubs winning the World Series (sorry guys, it had to be said).  Our band name is actually one of those strange words that came from a Yahoo word of the day I saw several years ago.

I just can’t commit to a daily word post, so here is a good sampling of some words that will probably never come up in your next dinner discussion, but are still pretty fun to have in your back pocket.  I dare you to start using some of these!  

absquatulate abscond: run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
bibliobibuli those who read too much
crapulous given to, characterized by, or suffering from gross excess in eating and drinking
donnybrook a brawl or heated public dispute
eesome pleasing to the eye
floccinaucinihilipilification the categorizing of something as worthless
gallimaufry jumble or medley; hodgepodge
hornswoggle bamboozle, deceive
izzat honor, prestige, reputation
jugulate to slit the throat
katzenjammer a loud, discordant noise; also, a hangover; also, a state of depression or bewilderment
latrinalia graffiti found in restrooms
moonglade the bright reflection of the moon on a body of water
nothosonomia the act of calling someone a bastard
omphaloskepsis contemplation of one's navel
puckeroo useless, broken
quisquilious like rubbish; trashy, worthless
raconteur one skilled in telling stories
snollygoster a shrewd, unprincipled person
tintinnabulous of or relating to bells or the ringing of bells
ultra-crepidarian giving opinions or criticism beyond one's own range of experience
vicissitude a change of circumstances affecting one's life
widdershins counterclockwise; also, in a contrary direction

If you just can’t get enough of these, you can find more here and here.

Webster's New College Dictionary, Third Edition

1 comment:

Ken P said...

I love crazy, forgotten, never used, words with totally fascinating definitions. How about these?

vespertine \VES-per-tin\, adjective:
1. Of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening.
2. Botany. Opening or expanding in the evening, as certain flowers.
3. Zoology. Becoming active in the evening, as bats and owls.

rataplan \rat-uh-PLAN\, verb:
1. To produce the sound as of the beating of a drum.
1. A sound of or as of the beating of a drum.
2. A tattoo, as of a drum, the hooves of a galloping horse, or machine-gun fire.