Friday, October 14, 2011

Dale Chihuly: Glassblower, B.A.M.F.

Arguably my favorite artist of all time is this stern looking, roguish man that looks more like a James Bond villain than a revolutionary creative mind who once received a Fulbright Fellowship. I was first introduced to Dale Chihuly's work nearly a decade ago via a PBS special (thank you public television, my $35 donation was totally worth it) and several years later I was even lucky enough to visit an exhibit when it made a stop at Lakeview Museum.

From his smaller scale Baskets and Seaforms to his colossal Chandelier series and outdoor installations, Chihuly and his team of artisans have created imaginative pieces that are unpredictable and infused with an almost Seussian spirit. I am always inspired by his use of brilliant colors, organic shapes, and his constant journey to explore the limits of a versatile but fragile medium.

With so many amazing pieces to choose from, it's an exercise in futility for me to attempt to pick a favorite.




Monday, August 15, 2011

New Peoria Blog - Real Food Peoria

Blogger John Farmer and I have started a brand new blog named Real Food Peoria. Food and related issues have become a bit of a passion for us and we're eager to share the love. We'll be posting recipes, news and product reviews, and we'll even be discussing the occasional food documentary. Have questions or post suggestions? Email us at We're looking for guest bloggers as well so hit us up!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Best thing I heard all weekend

We’re watching a commercial where animal victims of an oil spill were being cleaned using name brand dish soap when John says “You don’t clean animals with dish soap, you use chocolate and kisses!”

And this is why I love John :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I Miss About Being A Carnivore

Things I miss about being a carnivore
  1. Bacon
  2. People not asking me why I decided to become a vegetarian
  3. Sushi
  4. Cheeseburgers
  5. People not asking me if I’m a PETA member
  6. Steak
  7. People not asking me where I get my protein
  8. Marshmallows
  9. People not looking down at me for believing that my values are worth taking action to better myself and my planet
  10. Jell-O
  11. Not having to hear opinions about animals having no feelings
  12. Gummy bears
  13. Being oblivious to the fact that what I eat affects the environment, my health, and the economy
John and I are only a few weeks away from our one year anniversary of vegetarianism and I think we have both learned a lot in the last 11 months. Not only have we learned about nutrition and food production, but we have learned about what’s important to us as human beings who live in a complicated ecosystem. We have learned to make decisions not solely based on price tags, but on the quality of ingredients and the ethical practices of industrial food producers. I can’t say that we have been able to make the transition to a completely sustainable, organic, and cruelty-free diet, but at least I know that we have taken steps in the right direction. By reading more labels at the grocery store and taking advantage of information available online I think we both have discovered that we are able to be more conscious of what we put in our bodies. For those of you who want to know, here are some of the things we try to avoid now:
  1. Gelatin
  2. Hydrogenated oils (trans fats)
  3. Eggs that are not cage-free
  4. Packaged food made with powdered meat products (there are more out there than most people realize; even these cheese noodles contain powdered cooked chicken)
Here are some things we have been trying to eat more of:
  1. Locally grown vegetables
  2. Organic vegetables
  3. Whole grain pasta and cereals
  4. Beans and nuts
  5. Organic dairy products (hormone and antibiotic-free)
And here are a few wonderful things we have discovered or learned to appreciate since making the transition to vegetarianism (all are seriously delicious):

Quorn brand Gruyere stuffed “chicken” cutlets
Morning Star Farms Chik Patties
Kale Chips
Morning Star Farms “bacon”

In the past, I never gave a second thought to what I ate as long as it satisfied my hunger until my next meal. I was never very weight-conscious and I never put much stock in dieting. This lifestyle change was never about weight loss. However, as a result of our decision John has lost around 20 pounds and I have lost around 15 pounds. Neither one of us have suffered any kind of deficiency, malnutrition, or deprivation. I’m not saying that this lifestyle is right for everyone, but it hasn’t been as difficult a transition as we thought it would be.

I know there are folks who may be intimidated by vegetarianism, or who distrust the hype surrounding the organic food movement; I know I was skeptical initially. All I can say is that if you have any doubts or concerns about the source and quality of the food you have always eaten read, read, read, and read some more. Pay particular attention to names like ConAgra and Monsanto. Please don’t put your faith in Big Food to tell you what’s good for you. Don’t discount the power of money when it comes to food producers and the information they disseminate. 

At the risk of sounding like a public service announcement, only you can take responsibility for what you eat and what your children eat. John and I have made a transition that has lasted much longer than we had planned, and not only was it less difficult than we expected, but it has also provided us with more enlightenment than we hoped for.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Dismemberment Plan

This is a clip from a Jimmy Fallon show on January 20th of this year. I discovered this band when I was living in Virginia in my very early twenties, and I've been listening to them ever since. Back in those days they were considered "underground". I actually had the opportunity to see them live at the East Coast Surfing Championship in Virginia Beach in 2002 I think. They broke up about 7 years ago, but tonight I found this video and I discovered that they're back together and touring!

Emergency &I is still one of my favorite albums.

Very cool!

New Painting

Lips Logo, originally uploaded by lbizzle78.

My take on the Rolling Stones lips logo.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm In Love

I've been wanting a light tent for a couple of years and thanks to my dad I finally have one! I am officially in love with it. It's so nice to take a picture and actually be happy with it without any post editing. Now I'm experimenting with everything I can think of that will fit in the tent. Let me know what you think!

Mood Ring Sphere Clock Back of Sphere Clock Necklace Rings Paint Brushes

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter 2010

I'm afraid I've been a bit lax with my blog posts for the last couple of months. The holidays are always a crazy busy time of year for me, and while it can be overwhelming at times it's always worth it in the end. I won't bore you with all the details of every holiday party, dinner, and get-together we attended, but here are some pictures we took along the way.

The first big snow fall of the season:

Christmas decor:

The Gullett cousins on Christmas Eve:

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One of the things I didn't get a picture of is the light tent I received from my dad. I used it to take pictures of my gifts and I'm really excited about how well the pictures turned out. I hope everyone else had a great holiday season as well!

Slave Drivers

This is my graphical representation of what inevitably happens whenever we invite our bass player Dan over to our house to "hang-out".

He ends up spending 4 or 5 hours laying down tracks for the album we're trying to finish. Sorry Dan!