Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm In Love

I've been wanting a light tent for a couple of years and thanks to my dad I finally have one! I am officially in love with it. It's so nice to take a picture and actually be happy with it without any post editing. Now I'm experimenting with everything I can think of that will fit in the tent. Let me know what you think!

Mood Ring Sphere Clock Back of Sphere Clock Necklace Rings Paint Brushes

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter 2010

I'm afraid I've been a bit lax with my blog posts for the last couple of months. The holidays are always a crazy busy time of year for me, and while it can be overwhelming at times it's always worth it in the end. I won't bore you with all the details of every holiday party, dinner, and get-together we attended, but here are some pictures we took along the way.

The first big snow fall of the season:

Christmas decor:

The Gullett cousins on Christmas Eve:

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One of the things I didn't get a picture of is the light tent I received from my dad. I used it to take pictures of my gifts and I'm really excited about how well the pictures turned out. I hope everyone else had a great holiday season as well!

Slave Drivers

This is my graphical representation of what inevitably happens whenever we invite our bass player Dan over to our house to "hang-out".

He ends up spending 4 or 5 hours laying down tracks for the album we're trying to finish. Sorry Dan!